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Mpox: An Evolving Threat – A Cause for Concern in Indonesia?

Monkeypox is rare but it has recently been in the news for its increase. It affects everyone, especially kids under the age of 15. A…

Is it true that Indonesia and the world are facing a possible clean water crisis?

Water is a priceless source of life. Clean water problems and solutions are very important for health.   The World Health Organization (WHO) once said (2017),…

HEALTHCARE RISK MANAGEMENT – Risks are inevitable, patients and healthcare staff are the most important.

Introduction Risk management is the systematic process of identifying, assessing, and mitigating threats or uncertainties that can affect the organization. It involves analyzing risk’ likehood…

The truth about harm reduction – Let evidence not opinion

Background Harm reduction can be described as a strategy toward individuals or groups that aims to reduce the harms associated with certain behaviors. Harm reduction…

Krisis air bersih dan dampaknya terhadap permasalahan kesehatan masyarakat di Indonesia

Permasalahan air bersih Air adalah sumber kehidupan yang tak ternilai harganya. Permasalahan dan solusi air bersih sangat penting bagi kesehatan.   Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) pernah…

Indonesia’s healthcare system reform – opportunities in digital health development

Indonesia at glance, a growing economy Indonesia is the world largest archipelago, and it is ranked fourth globally in terms of population, with a predicted…

Stunting – Ancaman serius bagi masa depan bangsa

Stunting adalah suatu kondisi dimana anak mengalami gangguan pertumbuhan, sehingga tinggi badan anak tidak sesuai dengan usianya sebagai akibat dari masalah gizi kronis yaitu kekurangan…

Diskusi tentang Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah – dan Ekosistem nya.

Chairman Chapters Indonesia, Luthfi Mardiansyah bersama-sama dengan tim Zurich General Takaful Indonesia (Zurich Asuransi Syariah), menemui dan diskusi dengan Sekretaris Umum PP (Pengurus Pusat) Muhammadiyah,…

Demam berdarah Dengue (DBD): waspadai serangan dan memahami cara mengatasinya

Oleh Luthfi Mardiansyah, Chairman of Chapters Indonesia Demam berdarah dengue (DBD) masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat global yang utama. DBD kini menjadi endemis, di lebih…

The Fight Against Dengue Fever


Business & Human Rights

Luthfi Mardiansyah, Chairman of CHAPTERS Indonesia, on December 1st, 2023 participated at the workshop on the topic of Business & Human Rights, conducted by the…